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Gyro Compass

A Gyro Compass is a kind of compass used at the time of a sea voyage. Unlike ordinary compasses, a gyromagnetic compass does not get affected by an external magnetic field. It automatically finds a geographical direction based on the rotation of the earth. These compasses have two main advantages over magnetic compasses. Firstly, they find the true north which is more useful than the magnetic north for navigation. Secondly, they are not affected by other ferromagnetic material like the parts of the ship.

Magnetic Compass

A magnetic compass is a navigation device used to find the northern direction with the help of the earth’s magnetic field. Magnetic compasses are the most commonly used type of compasses. The compass has a diagram on it that has the four direction that is North, East, West, and South marked on it. The compass has a rotating needle which points towards the north. The magnetic compass is one of the four great inventions.

Marine RADAR

A marine radar or simply, radar is a device used to detect or measure the distance between the ship and other floating devices like other ships or even land. Radars are electronic instruments. They use a rotating antenna which sends microwave signals around the surface of the water around the ship. The reflection of microwaves helps to detect the presence of another body in the proximity to the ship.


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